Provider Central Help Phone Number: 1-800-771-4097, Option 2

Provider Services Contact Lines:
1-800-882-2060 (Physicians)
1-800-451-8123 (Hospitals)
1-800-451-8124 (Ancillary Providers)

As a health care leader in Massachusetts for more than 80 years, their vision to provide access to high quality, affordable health care is as strong and relevant today as it was in 1937 when their company was founded by a group of business, health care, and community leaders.  Although much has changed in health care through the years, the single-minded commitment to doing what’s best for their members is still at the forefront of everything they do.

This company offers health insurance plans and programs for families, individuals, and businesses both large-scale and small-scale.  Blue Cross BlueShield of Massachusetts maintains to provide and position the norm for quality health care insurance while still keeping health care expenses cost effective.

IMPORTANT: Go directly to the site to confirm and acquire more information.

Easy steps are provided below should you require to gain access to the sign in or register page. Just go through the easy-to-follow guides so you will discover how you can activate a new online account or login and gain access and manage your current account.  Just make sure you have your personal information close by.

Why do you need create an online provider account?

  • Be able to get claims information.
  • Gain authorization information.
  • Update your account details.
  • Check on your benefits.
  • Check on your eligibility.
  • Make payments.
  • Be able to view medical policies.
  • And much, much more!

Easy steps to follow to register and create a new account:

  1. Visit in your preferred search engine.
  2. Select any “Register” button or link.
  3. Select the “I’m not a robot” box after reading the steps required.
  4. Select the “Continue” button to move forward.
  5. Choose the type of provider that suits you best by clicking on the radio button next to the selections that are available.
    1. To validate participation, please enter an NPI or Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts provider number.
    2. If you are not contracted with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, please visit your local plan’s website or consider applying to join our networks.
  6. Select the “Continue” button to move forward.
  7. Continue to provide the necessary information and continue moving forward until complete.

Easy steps to follow to login to your current account:

  1. Visit in your preferred search engine.
  2. Enter our current username in the space provided.
  3. Enter the password in the space provided.
  4. Select the “Log in” button.
  5. You may now begin using the tools.

NOTE: is the new website.